Mechanical Engineering Career Information | Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions

Mechanical Engineering Career Information

Mechanical engineering is a versatile engineering discipline that can be applied to a wide range of industries, including automotives, aerospace, and healthcare. The skills learned in mechanical engineering are valuable in many different career paths.

01-interview-interview tips-mechanical engineering interview-job interview - Mechanical Engineering Career Information

  • What is Heat rate of a Power plant?

Heat rate is a measure of the turbine efficiency. It is determined from the total energy input supplied to the Turbine divided by the electrical energy output.

  • The highest value of Thermal conductivity is expected for

a.) Solid ice   b.) Melting ice c.) Water d.) Boiling water.

Give the Thermal conductivity value.

Solid Ice – 3.48 W/mK

Melting Ice thermal conductivity value is low because temperature is less.

Water’s Thermal conductivity value is 2.18 W/mK.

  • What is a Hydrostatic system? | Mechanical Engineering Career Information

Hydrostatics is the study of fluid bodies that are

  • At rest
  • Moving sufficiently slowly so there is no relative motion between adjacent parts of the body

For hydrostatic situations

  • There are no shear stresses
  • There are only pressure forces that act perpendicular to any surface.

It’s a closed loop hydraulic systems. It comprises of motor and pump. Here pump supplies energy to motor and motor gives return energy to pump supply.

  • If you heat a piece of steel with a hole in the center will the diameter of the steel get bigger or smaller? | Mechanical Engineering Career Information

It gets bigger.

(Example: Always the bearings are heated first for new installation in a shaft.)

  • What is the difference between Blower and Fan?

Fan is an air pushing device. Either Axial or Centrifugal type systems are used to move the air in low pressure. It is rotated by a motor separately.

When the fan is a housing of blades and motor, then it called as Blower. It directs the air in a single path with high pressure.

  • How to find a Ductile-Brittle Transition Temperature in metals?

The point at which the fracture energy passes below a pre-determined point for a standard Impact tests. DBTT is important since, once a material is cooled below the DBTT, it has a much greater tendency to shatter on impact instead of bending or deforming.

  • What is Hydrodynamic Cavitation?

Hydrodynamic cavitation describes the process of vaporization in a constrained channel at a specific velocity.

Bubble generation and Bubble implosion which occurs in a flowing liquid as a result of a decrease and subsequent increase in pressure.

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0 thoughts on “Mechanical Engineering Career Information | Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions”

  1. •What is Heat rate of a Power plant?

    Heat rate is a measure of the turbine efficiency. It is determined from the total energy input supplied to the Turbine divided by the electrical energy output.

    Come on! Please have someone knowledgeable review your answers. This is garbage! Heat rate is heat transfer per unit time, measured in watts. Turbine efficiency depends upon the type of turbine – steam, gas, hydraulic, or wind. Generally it is the energy rate (work rate) produced divided by energy rate input or energy rate rate available. Heat rate and efficiency are like apples and oranges.


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